These sites have been reviewed by ECOLOGIA and found to be informative and accurate. Sites marked with (*) have been identified and evaluated by ECOLOGIA's Technical Information Project (E-TIP).
Canada's Design for the Environment Website
Design for Environment (DfE) is the systematic integration of environmental considerations into product and process design. This guide, provided by the National Research Council of Canada, primary focuses on helping SMEs to get started with DfE. In English and French.
Ecoline's Environmental Management Website*
The site contains a broad spectrum of articles, reports and Russian governmental policy documents about EMS, ISO 14000, and environmental auditing. It explores the use of such systems in the Russian Federation and the information is primarily from a Russian perspective. Most of the site is in Russian; a few documents are in English.
EMAS Help Desk
EMAS (Eco-Management & Audit Scheme) is a voluntary environmental management system implemented by the European Union in April, 1995. The help desk provides comprehensive information about EMAS, including a FAQ section, full text of the regulation and a list of sites currently using the scheme.
Environmental Management Systems: An Implementation Guide for Small and Medium-Sized Organizations*
This guide, prepared by the US EPA, is intended to assist small and medium-sized organizations in implementing an environmental management system (EMS). It contains a detailed description of EMS and step-by-step instructions on how to implement EMS within an enterprise.
Global Reporting Initiative
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international multi-stakeholder effort to create a common framework for reporting the economic, environmental and social impact of an organization's activity. The environmental component of the GRI guidelines represents a widely respected method for reporting the performance of an organization's EMS.
International Network for Environmental Management (INEM)*
The INEM website contains a selection of useful data resources, such as a chart showing ISO 14001 certifications by country, and a variety of case studies from enterprises implementing environmental management systems. Much of INEM's work is oriented towards small to medium-sized enterprises and the countries of Central & Eastern Europe/Newly Independent States.
International NGO Network on ISO
The Pacific Institute has created the International NGO Network on ISO (INNI) in order to track ISO's environmental activities and provide information about them to NGOs. INNI currently tracks ISO work on climate change, water management, corporate social responsibility and environmental communication. It maintains an informative website and sends periodic e-mail updates to its member organizations.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)*
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a private organization made up of representatives from 130 national standards bodies from around the world. ISO creates international standards in order to facilitate trade in goods, services and technology. The ISO website contains clear, concise descriptions of the organization and the process for creating international standards. (Available aussi en version francais).
International and National Standardization Bodies
This link offers access to over 20 international and national-level standard-making organizations' websites.
ISO 14000 page of the American National Standards Institute
This site contains more official and technical information, as well as an FAQ. You may order published ISO 14000 documents here.
ISO 14000 Standards Information
This page contains a short description of the purpose and status of all ISO/TC 207 documents.
ISO 14000 InfoCenter
This site provides several overviews of the standard, a list of acronyms, and other informative resources. It is published by a consultancy, Extended Enterprise Services.
ISO 14001 Pilot Projects*
This site contains information on an ISO 14001 Pilot Project study, which will evaluate the performance of various US enterprises implementing ISO 14001 style environmental management systems. Although the website does not currently contain information gathered from the project, the data collection protocols might be of interest to someone trying to evaluate ISO 14001 or start a pilot project.
ISO 14000, Public Policy, and the Environment Project
Read "Managing a Better Environment: Opportunities and Obstacles for ISO 14001 in Public Policy and Commerce," by Jason Morrison, et al of Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security .
ISO 14000 Series Standards Quiz
Test your knowledge of the standards! In Russian
The ISO 14000 Source
This site contains extensive lists of ISO 14000 certified companies, corporate environmental policies, consulting companies, auditors, book reviews and summarised articles, and more.
ISO Technical Committee 207 on Environmental Management*
ISO's Technical Committee 207 develops the ISO 14000 series of standards. This website provides basic, comprehensive information on the committee's structure and its scope of work.
Multi-State Working Group
Managers from State Governmental Agencies and some NGO representatives in the USA are looking at ways to evaluate ISO 14001 and determine how it affects current regulatory programs and environmental policies. Information on the Multi-State Working Group (MSWG) on Environmental Management Systems can be found at the North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance website. The site includes an index of articles and reports (in .pdf format) on EMS and ISO 14000, as well as a summary of ISO 14001 pilot projects in participating states. Also see a description of the MSWG by Jerry Speir, Director of Tulane Institute for Environmental Law and Policy
Participation of Non-Governmental Organizations in International Environmental Governance (.pdf format) A report produced by Eco-logic Institute for International and European Environmental Policy and FIELD (Foundation for Environmental Law and Development). The summary and the full text can be found at
The study analyses the legal basis and the practice of NGO participation in Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), economic institutions, and other relevant international institutions. It identifies constraints on the role of NGOs and discusses a number of options for enhancing the role of NGOs in international environmental governance. The full study also contains detailed case studies on the role of NGOs in two environmental treaty systems (climate change and trade in endangered species) and two economic institutions (International Organisation for Standardization, ISO; and the World Bank).
Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB)
Together with the American National Standards Institute, RAB oversees the National Accreditation Program for environmental and quality management system registrars. RAB also operates certification and training programs for EMS/QMS auditors. The RAB website contains tips on selecting a registrar or auditor, as well as directories of companies currently certified to ISO 14001 and accredited ISO 14001 auditors.
The WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol is currently the most widely used GHG accounting standard. ISO TC 207 WG5's is guided by the GHG Protocol in developing its GHG accounting standard.