Nuclear Power Plant Accidents: A Guide for Informed Citizen Response



This section contains links to on-line information in English and Russian about reducing personal radiation exposure in your house and by what you eat and drink, about protecting livestock and crops, and more.


  • Reduce Radiation Risk: Minimize Time to Minimize Dose. This very brief section explains that the farther you are from radiation, and the smaller the amount of time spent near radiation, the lower the dose you will receive. (United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
  • Very general information about protecting your family from radiation. Some information only applicable to US. (United States Federal Emergency Management Agency)
  • Nuclear War Survival Skills is a full-text on-line book about how to protect yourself from radiation. Although it was written specifically for use after a nuclear war, some of the material is about general radiation protection and would be useful after any major nuclear accident.
    Note: this book contains information that is meant to be used after not only a major release of radiation but also the destruction of much of a country's infrastructure. Therefore, some of the material in this book is not applicable to a nuclear power plant accident. (By Cresson Kearny, a civil engineer who long worked on civil defense issues.)
    Sections of special interest after a nuclear power plant accident may be:
  1. Water. Scroll down a page to the sections "Sources of Water in Fallout Areas," "Water from Wells," and "Removing Fallout Particles and Dissolved Radioactive Material from Water."
  2. Food. Scroll down a few paragraphs to the section "Precautions When Eating Meat."
  3. Shelter Against Beta and Alpha Particles
  4. Clothing to Protect Against Beta Burns
  5. Surviving Without Doctors: A Temporary Return To Self-Help contains sections on radiation sickness and how to treat injuries such as burns, infections, and more.


  • "Dear Parents! Dear Fathers and Mothers!" Information for parents about how to protect their families from radiation intake from food and the environment. This document is located in a purple box toward the very end of the page. (BelRAD Institute in Belarus)
  • "Dear Friend!" A guide written for children about how to protect themselves and their families from radiation intake from food and the environment. This document is located in a purple box toward the very end of the page. (BelRAD Institute in Belarus)


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