GRI/IFC/CEU project on corporate sustainability reporting in Eastern Europe
- Sustainability reporting is an essential element of corporate social responsibility. The GRI has developed the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, used by major business companies throughout the world. The IFC, the GRI and the CEU have conducted a project to pilot corporate sustainability reporting in Central and Eastern Europe. The project is managed by Ecologia's Board Member and a representative of ECOLOGIA to ISO TC 207, Dr. Aleg Cherp.
IERE's Sustainable Agriculture Program
- "is designed to help farmers produce meat, dairy and other farm products that are safer for people and for the environment, and that use that improved quality as a marketing tool... The program combines an ISO-14000 environmental management system (EMS) with transparent disclosure and community oversight. The EMS and disclosure and ecolabels are all based on life cycle assessments conforming to the requirements of the ISO standards."
Read more and access annunal reports of individual farms...
EMS in Russia: Tools for Sustainable Development & Citizen Involvement
- This program sought to educate members of the business, government and public sectors about the use of environmental management principles as a tool for sustainable growth and development. Businesses which participated in the project learned how to implement environmental management concepts in order to reduce waste and improve efficiency at their facilities. These "pilot project" enterprises were encouraged to communicate with local stakeholders (e.g. government regulators, public interest groups) while developing their EMS.
Ecoline's Environmental Management Website
- The site contains a broad spectrum of articles, reports and Russian governmental policy documents about EMS, ISO 14000, and environmental auditing. It explores the use of such systems in the Russian Federation and the information is primarily from a Russian perspective. Most of the site is in Russian; a few documents are in English.
US EPA's Performance Track site
- Performance Track is part of the EPA's program to encourage EMS implementation at US enterprises. The program is new (part of the EPA's "reinvention" scheme); thus the site does not contain much data yet. However, being a government program, it incorporates requirements for public outreach and reporting.
ISO 14001 Pilot Projects
- This site contains information on an ISO 14001 Pilot Project study, which will evaluate the performance of various US enterprises implementing ISO 14001 style environmental management systems. Although the website does not currently contain information gathered from the project, the data collection protocols might be of interest to someone trying to evaluate ISO 14001 or start a pilot project.
Multi-State Working Group
- Information on the Multi-State Working Group (MSWG) on Environmental Management Systems can be found at the North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance website. The site includes an index of articles and reports (in .pdf format) on EMS and ISO 14000, as well as a summary of ISO 14001 pilot projects in participating states.