ECOLOGIA's Role in ISO's Greenhouse Gas Work

Through our work within ISO, ECOLOGIA seeks to promote meaningful public participation in the development and implementation of ISO environmental management standards. ECOLOGIA has "A Liaison" status with ISO and has sent delegates to ISO Technical Committee 207 meetings for five years.

In June 2002 ISO launched a new working group to develop a standard for measuring, reporting and verifying corporate greenhouse gas emissions. Because of the seriousness of global warming and the likelihood that ISO's greenhouse gas (GHG) standard will significantly affect national and international climate policies, ECOLOGIA believes that public participation in the creation and implementation of this standard is vitally important. We therefore took part in ISO's June GHG meetings and succeeded in proposing the creation of a sub-group on "cross-cutting issues", which include, among other things, stakeholder involvement. ECOLOGIA currently chairs this sub-group (called "Ad Hoc Group 4") with the German National Standards Institute.

Last modified by: H. McGray on 29-Nov-02
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